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Information and inspiration on psychology, coaching, motivation and living a purposeful life.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

M&M's.. Motive, Method & Maintenance


Take a moment to think about what truly motivates you? What spurs you into action? What things are you truly passionate about? What gives you the most joy? What motivates you is personal and it is imperative not to go along with other peoples interests when you know it is not your true passion. We may do this at work or with family members. We pretend that we want something in order not to disappoint others. However, this always ends in disappointment as we cannot sustain the level of enthusiasm or commitment needed to fulfil the goal. Get really clear about what it is you want; be it in your personal, spiritual or professional life and then set about taking small steps in that direction.


When you are thinking about the steps you are going to take, brainstorm the method you will put in place to achieve these goals. For example it is all well and good saying you are going to lose 10 kilos by Christmas, but how are you going to actually do this? It could be to plan and prepare meals at home and walk to the shops instead of hopping in the car. Regardless of what it is unless you have a method in place which you are disciplined in enforcing, you will fall short in achieving your goals. How many of us have great ideas and plans, but do little to help them become a reality? If you are guilty of this, then start to think about ways to change things.


Okay, so you are clear about what motivates you and how you are going to achieve your goals, but what happens once you do? It is all to easy to congratulate ourselves and then to fall back into old habits. Therefore when setting goals, think about what maintaining them will look like. What balance do you need to strike that stretches you, but is manageable? and ultimately it has to bring you joy. If something is a chore or you don't enjoy it, you will not be able to maintain it and why should you?, as surely part of our purpose is to find out what we love doing and then go right out and find ways to do more of it.

So next time you are setting a goal, think about the 3 M's and I wish you every success in living an abundant life.