About Blog

Information and inspiration on psychology, coaching, motivation and living a purposeful life.

Check out Lisa's website: http://www.lisawalsh.org/ for free resources & information on the services which she provide as a coach & speaker.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Listen To..

Listen to the Mustn'ts,child,

Listen to the Don'ts

Listen to the Shouldn'ts

The Impossibles, the Won'ts

Listen to the Never Haves,

Then listen close to me --

Anything can happen, child,

Anything can be."

By Shel Silverstein

Who do you listen to?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Less Excuses = Less Stress

You can lead a life with less stress, more abundance and contentment. It starts with your commitment to see the things that are not working currently and then tweaking small changes to stress less. As experts in stress management we know with certainty that the stress you experience is down to the way you view situations. Some of us can handle difficult events and others can't, but that does not mean that you can not begin to change your reactions to the stress you experience.

You can lead a life with less stress, more abundance and contentment. It starts with your commitment to see the things that are not working currently and then tweaking small changes to stress less. As experts in stress management we know with certainty that the stress you experience is down to the way you view situations. Some of us can handle difficult events and others can't, but that does not mean that you can not begin to change your reactions to the stress you experience.

The affirmation below is by Dr Wayne Dyer and sums up concisely the excuse we often make and how you can replace it.

Start tweaking today and accomplish great things.