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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Seven Ways to Create More and Consume Less

Being more creative in our everyday lives is easier then you think. Consuming less can help free us from the pressures that we often surround ourselves with. Here are seven practical ways to help you create more of what you want in your life, whilst consuming less.

1. Pay More, Eat Less
Where possible try to eat organic food, which tends to be more expensive, but on the whole is likely to have fewer toxins and often tastes superior. The quantity and quality of the food we consume has a huge impact on how well our minds and bodies can perform. With obesity levels and type II diabetes on the rise, it is more important than ever to limit the amount of processed food we consume.

2. Resist the Temptation to go to the Mall
Think about the last time you went to the mall. How did you feel while you were there and afterwards, energized, bored, frustrated? Did you need or even really want the things that you bought? We may wonder around aimlessly, but we are still actively processing on a subconscious level the bombardment of promotions that are around every corner. Next time you feel the urge to go to mall, be honest about what may be really going on. Once you begin to recognize the triggers of your consumption, you can begin to diminish its hold on you.

3. Don’t Buy Glossy Magazines
Be selective about what you read. As the song ‘Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen’ by Baz Luhrmann goes “Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly”. Reading magazines exposes us to a whole host of advertising that permeates through us and often influences the purchases we make. Low self esteem in adolescents has also been linked to reading glossy magazines. So ditch the magazines and read some inspirational, uplifting stories or biographies instead.

4. Turn Off The Television
We often don’t realize how television eats away at our time. For a week, try and keep a log of how often you watch television and how it makes you feel. At the end of the week reflect on how many hours you watch television and think about what you could achieve if you watched it less. Try to restrict the amount of television you watch and instead play a board game or just talk without any distractions.

5. Volunteer
Get involved in something that you feel passionate about, be it on a local, national or international level. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to meet like-minded people and appreciate the many gifts you have to offer. It is also a great way to explore a new career and gain new skills.

6. Exercise
Choose an exercise or team sport which you genuinely enjoy and you will be more likely to keep it up. If you would like to get fit, start with small achievable goals, such as being able to walk up the stairs without becoming breathless and then aim for bigger more challenging ones such as competing in a race. Besides the myriad of health benefits that regular exercise bestows upon us, it has also been found that after prolonged aerobic exercise creative thinking also improves

7. Love Your Job
If you love what you do for a living, you are likely to find your job rewarding, enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. However, if you are unhappy in your work, it is probable that you consume more in order to bury your discontentment. What facets of your job do you really enjoy? Are there ways that you could do more of what you like on a more regular basis? Often the things we like doing are also the things that we are naturally good at, so get creative and think about what you love about your work.

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