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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stop hanging out with Energy Zappers

I have often allowed others to take from me on an energetic level, this is when I have spent time with people that I have allowed make me feel bad or sad. Why do we do that? Surely we know that our time is precious and valuable! Not always, sometimes we spend time with people that are not good for us because of our own low self esteem and feelings of worthlessness. Energy zappers are often quick to reinforce these feelings of worthlessness, as they also feel the same way. Energy zappers are highly insecure and given the chance will disregard or belittle your positivity, often in covert ways. It might be a subtle sidewards glance, a sigh or indeed ignoring your ideas or opinions. We can sometimes feel that we deserve no better, little wonder if these are the types of people we are around. The most successful people in the world know that you have to stop hanging around these people, or if this is not possible limit the time you spend with them. It is pretty easy to spot an energy zapper, next time you are with a person or group of people just check in with how you feel. Are you feeling; depressed, anxious, bored and despondent? Or are you feeling invigorated, excited, energetic and happy? If so, you are likely to be in the fine company of an energy giver. Who would you rather hang out with?

The same is true when you think about yourself, do you uplift and encourage those around you, if not, why not? You need to pinpoint what is keeping you stuck and overcome this. Only then can you truly shine and let others shine. If you know you are guilty of being an energy zapper, you don't have to stay that way. Make a choice to change:

"What you have been, is not who you can be." Anon

Respect each and every person, energy giver or zapper, but remember your time is very precious, spend it wisely. You are an amazing person, but maybe you just don't quite realise it yet.

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